Beretta Web - Beretta pistol Model 92SB since 1981

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Beretta pistol Model 92SB

The Beretta Model 92 SB is a 9mm. Parabellum semi automatic pistol designed for military and police use, and for civilian use in countries where it is legitimate. Its great volume of fire, combined with absolutely flawless reliability and safety, make it an ideal side arm for modern armies and police forces. From this weapon has now derived the Model 92 SB Compact, which retains virtually all the characteristics of the 92 SB but is shorter and lower, for easier carrying in a shoulder holster or in civilian dress. It is also ideal for personal defence because it offers such vast fire power from a relatively small weapon.

Beretta pistol Model 92SB LH side
Beretta pistol Model 92SB full sizeBeretta pistol Model 92SB compact
STAGGERED MAGAZINE (holding 15 cartridges for the 92 SB and 13 for the Compact): this nearly doubles the fire capacity of a conventional in Line system, but without any increase in length.
Beretta pistol Model 92SB action 1Beretta pistol Model 92SB action 2 Beretta pistol Model 92SB action 3
DOUBLE ACTION: the well known advantage of the revolver of being always ready for instantaneous fire with the first trigger pull is here combined with all the equally well known advantages of the semi automatic pistol. Moreover, double action permits an immediate re strike on a defective primer very rare event nowadays which is virtually always sufficient to fire the round.

CHAMBER LOADED INDICATOR: when there is a cartridge in the chamber, the upper surface of the extractor protrudes and shows red. In the dark the protrusion can be felt by touch. It is never necessary to work the slide to see whether the barrel is loaded.

Beretta pistol Model 92SB disassembly key
DISSASSEMBLING KEY: a very simple, effective device, which allows swift field stripping but at the same time makes accidental disassembly totally impossible (A). DOUBLE SIDED SAFETY LEVER: allows sale management both by right and left handed shooters (B).
Beretta pistol Model 92SB automatic safety
AUTOMATIC SAFETY: when the trigger is not pulled back, a blocking device secures the firing pin and prevents it from moving forward, even if the weapon should fall from a great height and strike the ground muzzle down. Only rearward pull on the trigger defeats this system and frees the pin (C).
Beretta pistol Model 92SB grooved frame
SPECIAL SIGHTS: both front and rear, are designed for swift location of the target and for bringing it into alignment with the greatest possible facility (D).GROOVED FRAME: the front and back straps of the grip are longitudinally grooved to insure a firm hold even with wet hands, or under conditions of rapid, unaimed fire (E).
REVERSIBLE MAGAZINE RELEASE BUTTON: located alongside the trigger guard, where the thumb comes to rest naturally, it may be positioned for use by either right or left handed shooters. It also allows for fast reloading because a fresh, full magazine can be kept at the ready in the shooter's free hand (F).

BALLISTIC PERFORMANCE: although this is determined by the ammunition, and in part also by environmental factors, the performance of the Models 92 SB and 92 SB COMPACT is among the very best that can be had from weapons of these dimensions. Under normal conditions, the average velocities and the kinetic energy of the bullets are:

mod. 92 SB V 0.5 = 355 mIS E 0,5 = 47.85 Kgm
mod. 92 SB Compact V 0.5 = 347 m IS E 0.5 = 45.72 Kgm

Most of the spare parts such as: barrel, magazines and most of the small parts are interchangeable with the current models

Technical features of mod. 92 SB pistol (*)
System of operation short recoil, semi-automatic
Locking system oscillating block
Hammer exposed, double action
Caliber 9 mm. Parabellum
Length 8.54 in (7.75)
Height 5.39 in (5.07)
Width 1.45 in
Weight (with empty magazine) about 34.50 oz (31.21)
Barrel length 4.92 in (4.29)
Rifling R.H., 6 groove (pitch about 10 in)
Front sight blade, integrai with sfide
Rear sight notched bar, dovetailed to sfide
Sighting line 6. 10 in (5.78)
Safeties a) manual, located on the slide, which separa-
tes the firing pin from the hammer, lowers
the hammer and interrupts the connection
between trigger and sear
b) automatic, which prevents any motion of
the firing pin, and is defeated only by puli
on the trigger
Magazine staggered, 15 (13) shot
Slide hold open upon firing of last cartridge
Finish steel components: blued, fight alloy components: anodized
(*) The variations of the model 92 SB Compact are in brackets
  Beretta pistol Model 92SB owner manual
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