Beretta Web - Prototypes and old Pistols

Beretta Web - Beretta Discontinued and Pistol prototypes

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Beretta Model 418 6.35 mm (.25)

We do not know exactly in which year Beretta began producing its first 6.35 calibre pocket pistol.


Beretta Pistol model 418

Beretta Model 1923

As a follow up to manufacturing Model 1922 Beretta decided to produce another weapon......

Beretta Pistol model 1923

Beretta mod. 1934 & 1935

The most famous and far-flung Beretta pistol ..............

Beretta Pistol model 1934

Beretta 950 Series

The aut. pistol of the series 950, manufactured in cal. 6,35 (.25) and serving as base for the .22 short pistols, can be considered as the real pocket weapon for defense ..

Beretta Piasol model 950

Beretta 1951 Series

The definite adoption of the 9 mm calibre " para. bellum " for the automatic pistols issued to the Armed Forces and Police detachments during the last war, was not only caused by the necessity to unify the calibres of pistols and light machine guns (especially Sten gun type), of ever increasing diffusion with the Armed Forces of the various countries, but also by the excellent ballistic characteristics of this calibre...

Beretta pistol M51

Beretta 70 Series

The BERETTA 70 " SERIES, designed on the production experiences of more than ten millions of guns, is based on the classic features* of the BERETTA 1935 pistol, world renowned for over a quarter of a century...

Beretta pistol model 70

Beretta Model ROMA

Towards the end of the 1960s Beretta decided to enter into a field which had been neglected up lo that time, introduced his first double action pistol.

Beretta Pistol model Roma

Beretta Model 80 Olimpic

The Mod. 80 for its outstanding original design and superb performance is idea

Beretta pistol model 80 Olimpic

Beretta Prototype Revolver model 1

Prototype of the first kind of Beretta revolver .........

Beretta Revolver model 1

Beretta Revolvers made in Brazil

Maybe not so many Beretta lovers know the history of the Beretta revolver made in Brazil

Beretta Prototype model 4

Probably these are unique pictures of a prototype that never left the Beretta R.&D, department.
Year of production 1983.

Beretta Pistol model 4

Beretta Model 8000

The Beretta Cougar 8000 series semi-auto has developed a formidable reputation as a reliable, potent pistol......

Beretta pistol model 8000

Beretta Model 9000 F

Designed focused on small dimension with a polymer frame, it was a partial succes but who as used keep love it

Beretta Pistol model 9000
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